Husband shaming, why?
Are you guilting of shaming, picking at, joking about and overall showing disrespect to you husband?
Domestic Violence
If you are where you want to be in this world be JUSTifiably proud and drop the word JUST from your vocabulary.
Infertility and Babies - It is Personal, Not Public
How many times have you asked a young couple, “When are you going to start a family? How many kids do you want to have?”
Men, It is OK to Ask For Help!
When you spend more time comparing children than appreciating their uniqueness, you are directly responsible for all the insecurity they carry through life.
Are You Afraid to Be Your Authentic Self?
When you spend more time comparing children than appreciating their uniqueness, you are directly responsible for all the insecurity they carry through life.
Stop comparing Children!
When you spend more time comparing children than appreciating their uniqueness, you are directly responsible for all the insecurity they carry through life.
Ladies, Ask for and Accept Help!
Ladies, it is ok to ask for and accept help! Acts of service is the love language of so many, let people say “I love you” by helping you out!
Are You A Victim or Victor?
Do you go through life thinking the world is out to get you or do you go through life thinking, “Ok, world. Bring it. I GOT THIS” ??
Be Who You Want To Be
Are you spending more time comparing yourself to others than is healthy? Focus on comparing yourself to who you want to be and find ways to grow towards that person.
Why Your Littles Need a Schedule!
Are you struggling with naptime, bedtime, temper tantrums and finding time to get it all done?
When You Marry, You Marry The Family
It is annoying but true, so find the courage to show RESPECT. Listen for the top 7 ways to demonstrate respect and the pitfalls to avoid.
Weighty Issues
Let's talk about the real weight holding you back and it isn't the number on the scale!
Finding Your Tribe
It is a natural desire to want to belong, but it takes courage to be open and vulnerable to new people. It is ok to wait for your tribe.
Dads - Different But Equal
Dads can do it all. It may be different than what we do as mothers, but that does not mean it's not equal or as valuable or appreciated.
Channeling your Inner Power
Today I want to encourage you to stay positive. Focus all your energy on believing in yourself. You are capable, and far stronger, than you give yourself credit for.